Wellbeing guide
Find out more about Puddleducks Preschool. Learn everything from nutritional values and how to dress your child for group as well as read our policy documents for your child’s wellbeing.
Supplying parent information to help guide and inform the Puddleducks parents is a really important part of our setting. If you feel there is an area we have missed, please contact us.

Parent information on Nutrition. Puddleducks is all about providing your child with nutrition and use the local farm shop for snack time. We also operate a no squash policy.

Parent information on injury and illness. Puddleducks has strict policies in place to provide your child with the best care and protection against injury and potential sickness.

Policies - COMING SOON
Parent information showing all relevant policies. Read all our parent information policy documents for your child’s wellbeing. Plus important information about our committee run preschool.
Poorly child? Call...
01508 571285 or 07762 132133 or email leadpractitioner@puddleducksmulbarton.co.uk. You can also contact us via the website with any queries you have. Please call with anything urgent
Injury and sickness
Our health and safety policy covers accidents, injuries and illness during preschool sessions. A trained first aider is present at every session.
The first aider will deal with any minor accidents. In the event of a serious accident, emergency treatment will be sought (in accordance to the consent you have given). Staff will record the details of the accident for your information. Parents are requested to let staff know about any existing injuries at drop off.
Puddleducks staff unfortunately, are not able to care for sick children. We ask that parents do not bring their child if he/she is unwell. If your child becomes ill whilst at preschool, you will be contacted as soon as possible and asked to collect him/her. If your child contracts an infectious illness (e.g. chicken pox) please let us know.
**We particularly ask that you keep your child away from the playgroup if he/she has sickness and/or diarrhoea. Your child can return to Puddleducks 48 hours after symptoms have cleared.**
**If your child has been prescribed antibiotics or a medicine he/she has not had before, please keep him/her at home for 48 hours**. This will ensure there are no adverse effects and to give time for the medication to take effect. Thereafter, it is usually possible to stagger doses so that the child receives medicine before and after attending playgroup. If, however, it is absolutely necessary, for example, if a child needs an inhaler, our staff will administer. Please provide the necessary information and sign all required forms. Please refer to the health and safety policy for more information.
**Please note that inhalers must be handed to a member of staff on arrival and not left in your child’s bag.**

A healthy snack is provided for children attending morning sessions. Puddleducks buys fresh fruit and vegetables locally from Paddock Farm shop in Mulbarton. Each day staff prepare a variety of fruit and vegetables in individual portions. Children are also offered bread sticks, rice cakes or crackers and for special occasions will also be involved in making goodies that they can eat at snack times!
You will be asked about dietary requirements when you register your child at Puddleducks. Please do inform a member of staff if your child’s requirements change during their time at Puddleducks.
Drinking water is always available for children throughout the session. Did you know that children should have at least 1.6 litres a day! In addition, children are provided with a drink of milk (or water if preferred) during each session. If a child does not like milk or water, parents are asked to provide a suitable drink in a leak proof cup. To avoid confusion or loss of property, please clearly labelled with the child’s name.
Children attending group for afternoon sessions or lunch club must bring a packed lunch with them. Children will be provided with water to drink with their packed lunch.
Please try to make the lunch as healthy as possible. Chocolate covered biscuits are permitted, but please do not include confectionary.
**Please ensure that NO NUT products, including Nutella/chocolate spread and cereal bars with nuts in are included in your child’s packed lunch.**